
An HR Expert to Help You Achieve Personal and Business Effectiveness

Kathy Dreyer, PCC

Kathy Dreyer is an Executive Leadership Coach, Consultant and HR expert whose hallmarks of excellence focus on taking clients through a journey of exploration, inspiration and transformation in pursuit of personal and business effectiveness.

Kathy draws on her over 25 years of corporate experience in the field of Human Resources.  She has had overwhelming success in developing relationships, leading teams, and implementing change with a variety of different corporations. She has a thriving practice with her coaching and consulting services, and is an inspiring motivational speaker and workshop leader.  Additionally, Kathy is also an author, and is currently writing her book, The Corporate Detox.

Kathy completed her coaching certification from The Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara and is an Associate Certified Coach by the ICF.  She holds a B.S. in International Economics from Rutgers University and the GBP & RBP designations from the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.  She is certified in Lominger Leadership Architect, Myers Briggs MBTI,  the EQ in Action Emotional Intelligence Profile, Team Diagnostic and as a Positive Psychology Coach.

From her collective HR expertise/corporate experience, Kathy values the lessons and accolades of all her experiences. Expressed in her own words, perhaps Kathy sums it up best:

One of the things that I’m proud to bring to the table from my many years of quality professional relationships, is my passion and ability to be highly present for my clients, helping them to discover their own truth. My foremost goal is to assist and support my clients in recognizing what they actually need to do for themselves, rather than me simply ‘telling them,’ by tossing out advice.  I believe that everyone has their own truth, and through our work together, every one of my clients has the capacity to discover and embrace their individual calling.

Contact Katalyst Consulting directly at (602) 628-7612 to find out how HR expert Kathy Dreyer can help you or your organization!